Have you found yourself in the perplexing situation of missing your period for an extended period, leaving you anxious about what could be wrong? It's a concerning experience, particularly for those who anticipate starting a family one day. As someone who once struggled with irregular and absent periods (yes, I've gone without a period for 3 or 6 months - that was me), I understand the confusion and fear accompanying this situation. When I sought medical advice, the proposed solution was often to start birth control pills to regulate my cycle. However, it's crucial to note that the "period" experienced on birth control is not a true menstrual bleed but rather a withdrawal bleed—two distinct phenomena. If this revelation surprises you and you wish to delve deeper into understanding birth control, consider exploring my course here!

Now, let's delve into what you need to know about your missing period.
When your period goes missing, it's termed amenorrhea, which can be classified as primary (never having had a period) or secondary. Secondary amenorrhea occurs when your period has vanished for more than three months with regular cycles or six months with irregular cycles.
Common Causes
The five most common causes of secondary amenorrhea are varied and can stem from hormonal imbalances to underlying health issues:
Post–Birth Control Syndrome: Some women experience amenorrhea after discontinuing birth control pills.
Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: This condition, accounting for 25-35% of cases, involves a reduction in GnRH. This means that women don’t experience the development of their follicles and, therefore, are not ovulating. Oftentimes, low estrogen levels are a problem as well.
Pituitary Dysfunction: Around 17% of cases are due to issues such as hyperprolactinemia, where elevated levels of prolactin hormone disrupt menstrual cycles.
Ovarian Dysfunction: Approximately 40% of women with amenorrhea face ovarian dysfunction. 30% of these cases are due to PCOS, while the remaining 10% is due to primary ovarian insufficiency.
Hypothyroidism: Though responsible for only 1% of cases, hypothyroidism is often underdiagnosed in women and should be evaluated through comprehensive thyroid testing.
To determine the underlying cause of your amenorrhea, consulting with a healthcare professional for proper testing is crucial.
However, beyond these common causes lies a less-discussed reality: chronic infections or adrenal dysfunction may be the hidden culprits behind your missing menstrual cycles and any of the 5 causes of amenorrhea. Addressing these root causes demands a holistic approach tailored to individual needs, extending beyond conventional solutions.
Concerns Associated with Amenorrhea:
Before we delve into what you can start doing to help restore your menstrual cycle, it's important to emphasize the significance of having a regular, healthy period. While some may view the absence of a period as a relief from past menstrual symptoms, it's essential to understand that a regular menstrual cycle plays a vital role in optimal health.
There are actual reasons why having a regular period is crucial. Without it, you might be experiencing any of these 10 concerning issues associated with amenorrhea:
Low estrogen levels lead to hair thinning or loss.
Brittle nails, indicating potential nutrient deficiencies.
Skin problems, such as acne or dryness, are due to hormonal imbalances.
Low libido impacts sexual desire and satisfaction.
Vaginal dryness, which can cause discomfort during intercourse.
Mood swings and irritability affect mental well-being.
Absence of ovulation and infertility during reproductive years.
Heightened risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Threatened bone health and bone loss, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.
Increased likelihood of experiencing depression and anxiety.
It's evident that the absence of your period and hormonal imbalances can significantly impact your health and sexual pleasure, which isn't ideal by any means. We want you to experience fulfillment and vitality in every aspect of your life, including your sexual well-being.
How to Start Reclaiming Your Period
To initiate the journey towards reclaiming your menstrual health, consider the following steps:
Nutritional Assessment: Start by evaluating your diet to ensure it provides essential micronutrients crucial for hormonal balance and overall well-being. Opt for nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables and fruits to support your body's needs effectively. For example, a salad with vegetables and fruit will have a LOT more micronutrients than a sandwich for lunch.
Educational Resources: Download the 5 Ways to Optimize your Hormones guide offering insights into nutritional habits that can positively impact hormone balance and menstrual health. These simple yet effective strategies lay the foundation for restoring your body's equilibrium and combating underlying pathogens.
Incorporate Reproductive Supportive Foods: Introduce foods known for nurturing and regenerating the reproductive system. Incorporate various foods into your diet to promote hormonal balance and vitality:
butter leaf lettuce
nettle leaf, raspberry leaf, red clover (can be made into a tea)
raw honey
While recommendations like reducing stress and adopting positive mindset practices are essential, addressing nutrition is pivotal in restoring hormonal balance and overall health. When our bodies are well-nourished, our brains function optimally, leading to healthier thoughts and enhanced motivation. Even if you're struggling with an eating disorder, incorporating the right foods into your diet can complement professional help and aid in recovery.
Remember, your journey to reclaiming your menstrual health is multifaceted, and prioritizing nutrition is a powerful step toward achieving holistic well-being.
By embracing these proactive measures, you take significant strides toward understanding and addressing the complexities of amenorrhea. Remember, every individual's journey is unique, and finding the right approach may require patience and perseverance. However, with dedication and informed choices, restoring your menstrual cycle and overall well-being is within reach.